VirtPlex Framework

  • A flexible and extensible framework for virtual cluster placement scheduling
  • Providing computing resource and time scheduling functions in a virtual cluster (VC) unit.

VTRON(Virtual ClusTer Disk PROvisioNing Framework)

  • Analyzing commonality and variability of software stacks of a VC by using Feature Model of the software product line (SPL)
  • Retrieving reusable virtual disk images by the unique ID of each Feature Model and using the standardized reusable-asset management methodologies
  • Generating XML-based virtual disk provisioning plan to describe disk creation methodologies, strategies and their relevant reusable assets
  • Creating virtual disk images based on unified or union mounted disk provisioning mechanisms.

Cloud Auto Provisioning For Simulation in the Loop(SITL)

  • Generating a YAML-based cloud auto provisioning cloud simulation in the loop plan to create servers cluster for the Urban Air Mobility(UAM)
  • Creating SITL virtual disk images based on unified or union mounted disk provisioning mechanisms via image provisioning profile yaml files.
  • Automatically to set up the network environment of the simulation servers cluster via network provisioning profile yaml files.