Dugki Min (민덕기, 閔悳基) Ph.D

- Professor
- Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering
- B.S : 1986. Industrial Engineering, Korea University
- M.S : 1991. Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University
- Ph.D : 1995. Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University
Research Interest
- Intelligent Multi Agent Systems
- Deep Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Internet of Things
- Cyber Physical Systems
- Digital Twin Systems
- Big Data Processing and Analysis
- Cloud and Fog Computing Systems
- Automative Provisioning and Proactive Operation/Management
- Distributed and Parallel Computing Systems
- Software Architecture
- Performance and Dependability Analysis
- Distributed Computing and Systems (Distributed System Concepts, Hadoop, Blockchain)
- Next Generation Distibuted Systems (Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Docker, OpenStack, Kubernetes, GPU)
- Open Source SW Project 1 (Deep Learning, Tensorflow, PyTorch)
- Open Source SW Project 2 (Deep Reinforcement Learning, PyTorch)
- Software Design Methodology (Object-Oriented Anaysis and Design, UML, Unified Process)
- Software Architecture (Architecture Design Methodology, Architecture Styles and Tactics, in Samsung Electronics(2016-2020))
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Basic
- Advanced Deep Reinforcement Learning
Professional Activities
- 1995-present Full Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Konkuk University
- 2021-present Chairman, Department of Artificial Interlligence, Graduate School, Konkuk University
- 2008~present Steering Committee Member, Korea Software Technology Association
- 2020-2021 Visiting Professor,Lecturer, Pacific States University, LA, USA
- 2016-2020 Lecturer, Associate Architecture Course, Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd
- 2018-2020 Chairman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Konkuk University
- 2018-2020 Divisio Head, Division of Information and Computer, Graduate School of Education., Konkuk University
- 2016-2020 Division Head, Division of IT Supervision, Graduate School of Information and Communications, Konkuk University
- 2007~2019 Committee Member, Korea Society of IT Services
- 2005~2019 Committee Member, Korea Society of Simulation
- 2010-2011 Visiting Professor, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA
- 2006~2010 Co-Chair, WSQM TC, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS-OPEN.org)
- 2004~2010 Vice President, Korea Software Modeling Technology Forum
- 2005~2009: Vice Chair, WSQM TF, National Information Society Agency
- 2003~2008: Vice President, KSIG, OMG Standard Organization (OMG.org)
- 2006~2007: Research Fellow, Korea Software Industry Promotion Agency
- 2002~2005: Chair of Technical Committee, Korea Component Standardization Forum
- 2003~2004: Technical Advisory Committee Member, Web Service Planning Team, Ministry of Information and Communication
- 2000~2003: Chief Technology Officer, Two-Way Communication, Co.
- Office : Room 385, Engineering Building C
- Lab : Room 1207, New Engineering Building
- E-Mail: dkmin at konkuk domain